Develop yourself

Are you new within Fontys and want to deepen your knowledge? Or have you been working here longer and are you ready for something new? Do you already know exactly what you want or do you still have no idea how to develop your career? Discover your possibilities here and get started!

Go in search of your development

Use the finder below to discover which development initiatives within Fontys could be of interest to you. For as a Fontys professional, you can use the opportunities offered by Fontys for external professionals. You can find these on the Fontys Pro platform (in Dutch). You can also search in the Online Academy or contact Fontys PenO (in Dutch) for this online offer and for extra help and advice on your development or that of your team.

To find more offers, next to the english offers, take a look at the Dutch-language offerings.


5 resultaten
  • Bko course including assessment (English)

    • Talentgericht

    As a (starting) teacher, you want to be able to convey your knowledge and skills to students in the best and most inspiring way possible. This requires knowledge of educational science, didactics and pedagogy. This basic teaching qualification (bko) is offered by Dienst P&O.

    12 sessions + assessment day
    10 september
  • Inclusive communication in teaching

    • Wendbaar
    • Talentgericht
    • Inclusive

    This in-depth training course (four half days) provides practical tools to enhance your intercultural competences in a classroom or coaching situation with students from a different culture or background.

    Four half days
    22 april
  • Dutch level B (Intermediate)

    • Wendbaar

    This sequel furthers the knowledge of Dutch language and culture in four modules of five classes. The modules focus on daily life situations, and touch upon communication in a professional working setting. All language skills will be addressed, and the aim is to be able to communicate with ease about a wide range of topics in Dutch.

  • Dutch level A (Beginners)

    • Wendbaar

    This language course is intended for language learners who have (almost) no previous knowledge of the Dutch language. In this course you will familiarise yourself with the basics of Dutch language and culture.

  • Bke-course including assessment (English)

    • General

    This bke (basic examination qualification)-course is focused on developing your knowledge and skills regarding assessment. This course consists of four training days and a final assessment.

    4 training days and assessment
    10 december